Infectious Bursal Disease; Avian AIDS |
Thanks for: (Abdul Samad, Multan) |

Bird which is effected by IBDV
Introduction to disease:-
Infectious Bursal disease is a viral disease that is common all over the world. In this type of disease, the bursa is badly affected by the virus. Birna virus is the cause of this disease. As we know that B cells formed in the bursa in this bursa damage by the virus so there will be a lack of B cells in the body. B cells are performing a vital role in immunity so if there will be fewer B Cells in the body immune system will be weak. IBD mostly affects a bird between the age of 14th -28th day. The causative agent of the IBD Birna virus was identified in the United States of America in 1962. If Virus enters a farm approximately all birds of the farm would be effective by the IBD but the mortality rate of this disease is approximately 20%. IBD affects Layer hen at the age of 2-6th weeks. White leghorn is highly affected by this disease while the local breeds are less effect by IBD.
Other names:-
Ø Gumboro
Ø Avian AIDS destroys the immune system by suppressing the bursa and Thymes gland. It kills B cells and causes immunosuppression
Transmission Route of Disease
The disease is transmitted though feces, or by eating contaminated feed or drinking contaminated water. Generally, feces are the major source of the transmission of IBD as feces contain a higher amount of virus. IBD transmits doors to doors by fomites. There are two serotypes of IBD. Serotype1 which affects Chicken. While serotype 2 affects waterfowl and hens both but waterfowl are more resistant to this disease. As this disease is immunosuppressive it decreases the immune system’s efficiency so other diseases also attack the bird. Mostly Newcastle disease, IBH, CRD, Marek’s, and IB attacks on birds when IBD minimize immunity. IBD was also found in some other birds like penguins etc. but it did not cause any disease or symptoms in them.
Clinical signs of IBD
Ø Stress.
Ø Anorexia.
Ø Dehydration.
Ø White pasty diarrhea.
Ø Laziness.
Ø Enlargement of Bursa.
Ø Hemorrhages or atrophy of the Bursa.
Ø Hemorrhages on Thigh muscles.
Ø Dehydration.
Ø Swollen kidney.
Ø May lead to kidney failure.
Ø Swollen urates.
Ø IBD can be diagnosed by PCR v2 gene is detected.
Ø Isolation of virus technique.
Ø Postmortem.
Ø Calculation Antibody counts through serological technique.
. Treatment of Disease
As we know that there is no treatment for viral diseases so there is no treatment for IBD but we can minimize the effect of disease by doing the following practices
Ø Flushing of bird.
Ø The use of antibiotics may inhibit secondary infection through bacteria.
Ø Use of Multivitamin especially Vitamin E (Tocopherol) and Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid).
Ø Use salted water or ORS which may help the chick to meet the salt and water requirement of the bird.
Ø Supporting therapy.
How to do Flushing of bird
Ø Add 4% sugar to the water.
Ø The temperature of the water should be moderate.
Ø Use that water within 3-4 hours.
What is supporting therapy?
In this, we gave bird 1/3 ratio of milk and water in which some multivitamins have added this therapy will support birds to fight against the disease.
Control of disease
There are two methods to control the disease
Ø Biosecurity.
Ø Vaccination.
Ø We should follow the strict rule for biosecurity.
Ø No one from outside should enter the shed.
Ø Use sanitized equipment.
Ø Always use a one-time needle and sanitize the needle while doing the vaccine.
Ø Disinfectants should use after one flock during cleaning of the house.
Ø In large farms, BBB levels of biosecurity should be adopted.
Vaccination of IBD should be done at the age of 14 days. There should be two doses of vaccination for IBD one on the 14th day another dose on the 28th day as a booster dose. It will provide immunity to the bird.
There are some precautions while performing vaccination.
Ø Use always sanitized and clean container for vaccination.
Ø Check the bird is there any sign of IBD if yes then do not vaccine the bird as it may cause high mortality ratio as the virus of IBD is already present in the body by this vaccine it would be stronger.
Ø All birds should be vaccinated for this add color dye to water
Ø Color on beak will determine that those birds drink water having the vaccine.